7.2 -1.3.2020
Kunsthall Oslo
Five artists from Addis Ababa, who also work with teaching, organization, text and performance, will live and work in Oslo for three weeks. The change of government in Ethiopia in 2018 has, for the first time in many decades, provided a political climate in which it is possible to imagine the establishment of autonomous institutions. For Coming Together, the exhibition space at Kunsthall Oslo will function as a workshop, think tank and space for discussion that facilitates addressing the question of how independent artists can organise themselves? An exhibition that unfolds over time will be accompanied by scrutiny, discussions and the preparation of a program for a new artists' organization to be constituted in 2020. In addition, three open events will be held, one each week during the exhibition period. The events bring together representatives from Addis and Oslo to explore the similarities and differences between these places and establish what we can share and learn from each other.
Coming Together is supported by the Fritt Ord Foundation and Arts Council Norway.
Berhanu Ashagrie, Tesfaye Bekele, Henok Getachew, Robel Temesgen, Helen Zeru